
Andy Gupta - Lyrics, Original Music, Acoustic Guitar Programming, Bass Guitar
Paul Dempsey - Lyrics
Steve McAndrew - Vocals
Tim - Added acoustic guitar
Todd Vierra - Drums
Billy Playle - Electric guitar, Keys, Synthesizers, Mix/Master

Verse 1
she lived high upon a mountain
where streams of summer wine did glide
she spread arms out wide with a welcoming smile
a venus trap laid deep inside

Verse 2
her hair was grown wild like medusa
like a living creature that twists and turns
and in the end she told me we were fated not to be
our love would burn out and turn to stone

Chorus 1
now I'm left staring at the sky
wishing I again could fly
drawn to a rose and pricked by a thorn
i rue the day that she was born
now i'm left chasing a mystery
an image fixed in my memory
drawn to a rose and pricked by the thorns
i rue the day, the day she was born

Verse 3
our days and nights brought deep delight each day was never the same
i remember every living detail
but I guess it was not enough to hold her fast to me
she was but a spirit roaming free

Chorus 2
now I'm left staring at the sky
wishing I again could fly
drawn to a rose and pricked by a thorn
i rue the day that she was born
now i'm left chasing a mystery
an image fixed in my memory
drawn to a rose and pricked by the thorns
i rue the day, the day she was born

Guitar Solo

Verse 4
she lived high upon a mountain
where streams of summer wine did glide
she spread arms out wide with a welcoming smile
a venus trap laid deep inside

not to be
not to be

You can follow the collaboration thread here and the finished song thread here.

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