(Lyrics by Steve McAndrew)

Bill Gifford Jnr - Musical Composition, Main Guitars and Guitar solo
Steve McAndrew - Lyrics, Lead Vocals, Background Vocals, Harmony Guitar intro
Marc Traynor- Bass
HDA - Organ
Paulo Gomez - Synth
John Wooten - Drums
Mark Morgon-Shaw - Mix/Master

Verse 1
all seems normal just like it always has been
except for patterns that are forming in the sun screen
as global tensions are reflected in the oil price
now comes the moment when we all must stop and think twice

how can we fight when most don't see, he's so invisible
when most are groping in the darkness indivisible
the marionette, he pulls the strings in horns and forked tail
it's not too late to see the DEVIL IN THE DETAIL

now deals go down that seem to lack responsibility
as some are hurtled to the top with low ability
with many minds as one applied to get the shares up
employed by others who abuse the overflowing cup

Chorus 2
how can we fight when most don't see, he's so invisible
if you look closely evidence is so unmissable
the final rider sits upon a horse that's so pale
it's not too late to see the DEVIL IN THE DETAIL

Verse 3
master of deception always lurking in the darkness
to be exposed in his vain glory and his starkness
soon his confirmation that there always was one better
who did things strictly in accordance with the letter

Chorus 3
how can we fight when most don't see, he's so invisible
when most are groping in the darkness indivisible
if you look closely evidence is so unmissable
he makes all bad things look so highly hug and kissable

Chorus 4
the marionette, he pulls the strings in horns and forked tail
as new atomic threats that once were fought in chain-mail
the final rider sits upon a horse that's so pale
it's not too late to see the DEVIL IN THE DETAIL

Comment:- No need for heavy analysis of this lyric, it's pretty self-explanatory and is my comment on that insidious presence that is clearly everywhere but invisible to most!
You can follow the collaboration threadhereand the finished song thread here.

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