Original Artist - GARY MOORE
Steve McAndrew - Computer Programming, Guitars and Vocals
Verse 1
i remember paris, back in '49
the champs elysee, san michelle
and old beaujolais wine
and i recall that you were mine
in those parisienne days
Verse 2
looking back at the photographs
those summerdays spent outside corner cafes
oh, i could write you paragraphs
about my old parisienne days
Guitar Break
Verse 3
i remember paris back in '49
the champs elysee, san michelle
and old beaujolais wine
and i recall that you were mine
in those parisienne days
Verse 4
looking back at the photographs
those summerdays spent outside corner cafes
oh, i could write you paragraphs
about my old parisienne days
Comment:- My attempt at Gary Moore and regularly performed in my live set.