
Steve McAndrew - Music, Lyrics, Guitars and Vocals
Marc Traynor - Bass Guitar
Juhani Nahkala - Keyboards
Todd Vierra - Drums
Jonathan (Sound Wrider) - Percussion
Nick Testa - Mixing and Mastering

Verse 1
when times get heavy i got you on my mind
when times get heavy i need your love to find
though times are changing, our love will see us through
the bonds that tie between us, in hidden strength renew

Chorus 1
say goodbye by morning she's gone
there's little chance we'll all see the dawn
like a dam bursting forth all it's sorrow
long the night with it's uncertain tomorrow

Verse 2
from your isolation, you faced your toughest test
we saw your face was changing, and it was for the best
and as we all watched you, you changed, as if in sleep
and with each passing moment, we hoped your love to keep

Chorus 2
say goodbye by morning she's gone
we hoped and prayed your fight would go on
the hope then smoothed the edge of our sorrow
long the night with less uncertain tomorrow

Guitar Solo

UNCERTAIN DAWN, uncertain, uncertain

Comment:- This is a song I wrote that was inspired by my magical mother-in-law Marion's near death experience. She fell seriously ill, so much so that we were told by the hospital staff in Accident and Emergency to say our goodbyes, as she was highly unlikely to survive the night. The song is dark because the feelings of foreboding driven by impending bereavement that the family and I were feeling was so overwhelming.

Marion got moved up from accident and emergency to a ward in a comatose state but when the doctor came in a few hours later to check on her, to our absolute surprise, she sat up and pulled the covers back up over her and went to sleep!

The family were told to go home as there was nothing more we could do at the hospital and to get some sleep and that they would call if there were any changes.
My wife and I went up to hospital the following morning and there was Marion, sitting on a char at the side of her bed, eating a plate of soup. It was a roller-coaster of deep despair to euphoria that I had never experienced, nor will likely ever do again.
The song captures the low point.
You can see the collaboration thread here , the finished song thread here.

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