October 2004

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Saturday 02.10.04 - Updated and corrected the Home page (i.e. It started with I am a 43 year old!!!) and added the information about the new Symi album project, as well as the picture with Stuart at Chorio (good gigs on the Monday and Tuesday nights before we left. Isn't it always the way of it, that acquaintances like that are only ever made with so few days of the holiday left !!).

Sunday 03.10.04 - Birthday today so went to see parents. Drafted email for the Symi Visitor regarding the new album.

Monday 04.10.04 - First day back at work and it was a real drag.....wish I was in Symi! Did nothing Musical at all.

Tuesday 05.10.04 - Again, did absolutely nothing musically tonight.

Wednesday 06.10.04 - Posted the lyrics for Aegli and started to tidy up the graphics images on the site

Thursday 07.10.04 - Continued cleaning up the graphics images (today I was predominately sharpening and changing the main page images from jpeg to gif).

Friday 08.10.04 - Still tidying graphics although recorded a rough for Symi Blues (The Upper Square).......Lordy, lordy mama, we've got the Symi, Symi blues etc.......

Saturday 09.10.04 - Added the diary page and entered the info for the previous ten days.

Sunday 10.10.04 - Spent the day tidying up a load of archived photos from my parents that I had scanned some time ago as bmp files at 1200 DPI resolution on to full sheets. My day was spent splitting them into individual images again (still bitmap) and I came across some shockers of me as a youngster that I don't know if I should post on the site or not. Any ideas?!

Monday 11.10.04 - Did a bit more on the rough musical sketch that is Symi Blues (The Upper Square)...We've got the Symi, Symi blues.....tell me about it! Anybody wish they were there instead of here? I'd also like to make this project as interactive as possible........any ideas?

Tuesday 12.10.04 - Sent a copy of the Symi Wind album to an ex-pat on Symi today (the address being C/O Symi Post office!). Still tidying up the web page and finding out ever more about Dreamweaver!

Wednesday 13.10.04 - I already have a potential chord idea for Harani I, but came up with an alternative tonight so saved it as Harani II. (original eh?). I also subjected myself to the torture that is watching the Scotland team! What is Vogts about?

Thursday 14.10.04 - Expanded the Harani II idea a little then ran into a networking problem between the two computers (Norton Internet Security setup problems coupled with MAC addresses etc etc)

Friday 15.10.04 - Continued battling to get the PC's to talk to each other with no success. Listened to the current idea for Harani II and decided I like it and it has a lot of potential!

Saturday 16.10.04 - Re-structured the file setup of the site today (lots of work going on in the background that you don't see a blind bit of difference for, but will ultimately make site maintenance easier for me!) Went to Edinburgh for a top to wear under my suit at a wedding next Saturday. Got a top from Harvey Nichol's that Linda thinks looks like something a musician would wear (should I really be wearing it then?! Went out to the pub with Linda tonight (for the first time in absolutely ages) and we decided it really wasn't for us these days (well, not the pub we went to anyway!).

Sunday 17.10.04 - Cut the back and front hedges today and failed to go and see parents (having postponed it from last weekend!).

Monday 18.10.04 - Started to prepare new images for the miscellaneous page (sizes and resolutions) so there will be some additional stuff to look at soon!

Tuesday 19.10.04 - Continued with the images preparation. Music on the back-burner today.

Wednesday 20.10.04 - Renamed the Miscellaneous page to Images today and changed associated files. Why does it take so long to prepare images?! (Maybe because there are so many, and choosing can become so difficult!) I hope to have some Symi images from the recent holiday posted before the weekend (when I might get some more work done on the album!).

Thursday 21.10.04 - Still image preparing.

Friday 22.10.04 - Still image preparing.

Saturday 23.10.04 - Had the best day I've had for a long time at my cousin's wedding and it was great to meet so many new family and friends from the the other side of the world (Australia)!! A whole and hearty welcome to the family from all the Scottish contingent!

Sunday 24.10.04 - Recovering!

Monday 25.10.04 - Posted some new pictures on the images page of a few members of the Symi animal population (including one that you probably won't like!).

Tuesday 26.10.04 - Continued image preparation from the recent holiday and sent an email to Nettie and Pip, another two friends in the ever-expanding circle of Symi returnees! Please sign the guest book if you haven't already done so, as it's looking a little under-nourished and sorry for itself!

Wednesday 27.10.04 - Corrected a problem that occurred between the two PC's this evening. PC's are amazing things, so much power at your fingertips, but they are like cars (in the sense that they are OK as long as they're working)!

Thursday 28.10.04 - Continued processing images to update for you.......next up are some people we've met on our many trips to Symi (12 times in 7 years!) so it might be you!.

Friday 29.10.04 - Sent off CD's today and still 'bogged down' in web page updating re images etc etc etc etc...so much to do an so little time! It looks like it's gonna be a long, long night!

Saturday 30/10/2004 - It is now 3 O' Clock in the morning and I've spent the last 10 hours adding further images to the images page that I hope you will enjoy. Still a lot more to do however. In the mean-time I'm going to bed!! Having had five hours sleep (got up at 08.15) I've just changed the format of the Diary page format (including the change to reversed chronological). Now to continue posting more images, starting with a selection of Symi scenery images. Added the additional images for our holiday, as well as images of our friends (Symiot and otherwise!).

Sunday 31/10/2004 - Continuing with graphics processing. When, oh when will I be free to concentrate on music again? I didn't think I would have needed as much time as this! I've spent most of the day re-sizing images and have only just up-loaded the SCARLET LIES promotional stuff. Hope you enjoy!

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