April 2005

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The end of April saw me in continued involvement and involvement in a mass of new INTERNET collaboration projects on www.artistcollaboration.com (just check out any posts by Pleasuredome to keep abreast of my current state of play! Update - Please note that the www.artistcollaboration.com site no longer exists

I've been involved in many projects, too many to mention, although I'm heavily involved in recording vocals with a couple of Chicago based guitarists, a blistering guitarist from England who is playing bass (and could play all us other guitarists under the table by the way!) and a keys player from I don't know where! The intention is for us to get an initial five songs together to show-case, with the view to increasing this to ten or eleven. It's good heavy rock but with great hooks and although heavy, very very melodic!

I've recorded another song with Spacecube doing all of the bed track and Dimitri (wait until you hear this guys guitar work....I swear it's Satriani under an alias!) playing the six strings....watch this space!

I have also not spoken to Rab for around two weeks as I've been heavily involved in the re-structuring of the back garden (including total re-design of path layout and inclusion of Gazebo and Patio areas) that's taken up a lot of Linda's and my time. It's very near completion now, with at least nothing heavy left to do, mostly dressing and placement, although I've just remembered that I've got the fence to treat with preservative (and there's a lot of fence)............bummer! At least I've got the use of the electric spray gun that certainly beats the paint-brush, since I remember that it took me three days to do the back fence the last time. I don't really mind too much, other than that it takes me away from the musical collab world that I love so much......music you see!

I've spoken to many people also using Yahoo Instant Messenger and/or Skype that I've installed in the older PC, the delay on Skype being almost negligible (around 1/3 second!) and costing nothing extra, over and above my usual monthly ISP fees!

The writing has migrated over to Lyrics at the moment, as I am writing to other peoples backings and the end results seem to be receiving positive vibes. Here's a couple of lyric examples to give you an idea....I hope to post sound-bites of these but I'll firstly need to get the OK from the guys who wrote the music, so watch this space.

You're the One and

Tell Me Something

Let me know what you think on the guest book!

I am still getting musical ideas, but there are only twenty four hours in any given day and they are being suppressed only by time at the moment!

Check out my second take on the Jam Track here, another similar angle on my first take but just where my head took me on the day!

Here the perennial The Rover that started the ball rolling re the vocals....thanks Percy and the Zep guys!

I'll speak to you end of May.......time is speed on wheels is it not?!

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