August 2010

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Where is this year going, for me to only be updating this diary from July today (23 August) is scandalous! Sorry guys.

**************Cosmic Singularity's first album First Steps is now available at both CD Baby and iTunes *****************

I have received email confirmation of receipt of the two CD's sent for review at both the Progressive Rock magazines in France and the Dutch website in Holland so let's it now not long before they give us that favourable review!!

Nothing posted from Jord Blakesley yet, although the album cover artwork has been sent. Just have to keep checking out the blogs at and!

Steven Dalglish continues apace with the Cool Beyond Zero artwork to support the Cool Beyond Zero album that gets ever better and it started from a very impressive starting point! You can follow the album release progress HERE at the musicians collaboration site. As I said last month, you may have to register at the site to see the thread but it's free and there's a lot of good music going on there!! I have updated the Cool Beyond Zero site to include the complete lyrics for the album that you can check out HERE.

Nothing further from Casia yet regarding the radio show but she will be in touch soon I reckon and I'll keep you posted.

I am disappointed to see that there has been no activity at the forums etc at the Cosmic Singularity site. Come on there anybody there????

I have spent this whole weekend (21st and 22nd) in the land of programming band web pages. The second project I tackled was the addition of the Cool Beyond Zero lyrics that I already mentioned above.

The first project however, was the web page to support the newest internet band project I am involved with, Call Of The Twilight! The band is already approaching five songs completed with the assured certainty of more to quickly follow!! The music is commercial but as with nearly all my projects.....ROCKY!! I will post some soundbites on the band web page soon that will confirm this!!

I may just decline from including a diary page on that site as it's hard enough to keep this one going already, as evidenced by my opening words this month!

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