July 2010

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Where is this year going?

**************Newsflash..............Cosmic Singularity's first album First Steps now available on CB Baby HERE *****************

Also, another song I was involved in a few months back entitled Devil in the Detail is currently sitting in 4th place amongst a group of 722 entries based upon public voting at the ourstage.com web page. Click HERE to go check it out and hopefully vote to get it to number one!

I have sent two CD's of the First Steps album for review at each of the Progressive Rock magazines www.musicwaves.fr in France and www.progwereld.org in Holland so let's hope they give us a good review!!

I have also been asked by Jord Blakesley via Facebook to send him the album artwork so that he can feature it on his blogs at http://thesymipodcast.blogspot.com/ and http://symiblog.blogspot.com/ that I am currently organising!

I have just updated the equipment page here on the site, it had fallen behind a little!!.

Steven Dalglish, one of my workmates has started creating the artwork to support the Cool Beyond Zero album on here at the musicians collaboration site and it's looking good! You may have to register at the site to see the thread but it's free and there's a lot of good music going on there!!The album has now been completed in terms of recording/mixing and mastering for a few months now and the movement in terms of artwork will now hopefully result in a relatively quick release.

It is the least we can do for our dearly departed brother Marc who I miss so badly. He really was one of the good guys, an amazing human being and I don't say that due to his untimely death, purely because he was one of the really good guys. I also feel for Dany his widow and his children that are going through such emotional anguish, that although time will help reduce, will surely never fully take away. Me, my family and the large army of Marc's international collaboration band of brothers are with you guys.

On that note, Casia from the collaboration site is organising a radio program to feature the late great Marc and it looks like it will be a perfect opportunity to promote the album. She is thinking of having songs Marc was involved with, interspersed with mp3 sound-bites by all the collaborators who worked with Marc and an intended interview with me. All this has to be endorsed by Dany of course.

I think Marc would have loved it but I guess we'll never know. I know he loved the Cool Beyond Zero project that we grew so close as a result of.

********Cosmic Singularity Update ********* Stephen has been really busy and is progressively updating the web site as I write this. It now includes a message board (under the sub-heading of community) where topics can be added etc so let's get interactive!! You will need to register but it will be cool and great to read your input!! *********

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