July 2006

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It's July already...how time flies!

02/07/06 - Wrote a lyric to a Nick T bed track about the deplorable managerial technique being imposed on myself and colleagues (although the theme is common to almost everyone nowadays)....more output....fewer staff......improved quality....etc etc! The thread can be seen here.

It's called Turning Things Upside Down and for the first time I sent a ruff of some guitar soloing to one of Nick's songs. You can read the lyrics and listenhere.

16/07/06 - I received a few pictures and a 4Mb video file (that I can't view yet as I don't have all the necessary codecs!) from my son Niall from a recent flying trip he went on and here he is -

Niall Flying Trip Image

I have posted the other two pictures here and once I have organised the codec problem, I intend to put the video up as well for you to see.

29/07/06 - I wrote a lyric today entitled Caught in the Middle, see if you can guess what it's about? ( A clue is that Prestwick airport may be involved!)

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