Happy New Year all, I hope you had a good time with no headaches!! I wrote a new song entitled 'The Certain Dawn', that I have since changed to Uncertain Dawn, that is based upon Marion's recent scary mini stroke moment. I have asked for additional musician assistance on Nick's excellent Musician Collaboration site. You can check out and follow developments of the song here so go on over and watch how things unfold my friends. I really am totally amazed at just how small the INTERNET has made the world. Incidentally, you can read the lyrics and listenhere. Break With Protocol has just been posted as a finished work here, so you can check out the wonderful result of on-line collaboration. I enjoyed this one a lot, with it's theme of the summary execution of a spy.......don't ask me where that came from, although if you asked I would say the BBC television series Spooks! and in particular the execution of Colin in series 5 episode 1. I wrote another set of lyrics entitled Tide is Rising that you can read on the lyrics and sounds pagehere, with the full thread on Musicians Collaboration here. I have sung and posted a preliminary run-trough, but this is a vocal that is going to need a whole load of work and effort. This early take is nothing to write home about, but it will be fine once I get 'into the groove' and more familiar with it. Nick has just requested that I sing the vocals on a CD project written by Rob Wood and this, in addition to the Cosmic Singularity project (and AintTV that appears to be coming out of a period of hibernation) is clearly going to mean that I am not going to have an abundance of free time!! Incidentally, Nick told me yesterday that he has secured the domain name of Testafied Records (his surname is Testa!), so that is great news and means that there is a release label for AintTV, as well as all the other product coming through his site...........go, go Nick....you da man! It is intended that the Cosmic Singularity members are all going to get together on Skype at 08:00 UK time today (28/01/07) so it should be great to talk to the others. We need to firm -up exactly where we are with all the input etc and just get in sync with each other. There is so much material now (certainly in excess of a single album!) coming from the three primary writers (Stephen Rivera, Rod Chappell and myself - John is not writing anything yet) that it can become a bit of a logistical nightmare if we don't keep things together!! I should be getting a new laptop in the next couple of weeks from Red Submarine, a company who deal in audio specific hardware and so I am like the cat who is about to get the cream, but for the meantime is on the 'hot tin roof'!!! Closed out the month taking industrial action in unity with my union PCS and a sound-bite was used on the local Edinburgh radio station Talk 107's 1 O'Clock news bulletin that featured my colleagues and I. I made a comment about 'bludgeoning' as you will not have a whole load of clues as to how I speak!! |